Daily dental care is fundamental, to keep long term. Even with optimal hygiene at home – bacteria find numerous natural nooks and crannies, which are hard to reach for the toothbrush. In most cases against strong external staining / as from nicotine, black tea, red wine etc./ a regular toothbrush has almost no chance.
Professional cleaning is not only recommended, but also mandatory, to keep the teeth long-lasting and in good condition, adjacent tissues and restorations.
Cleaning plaque and tartar- the causes of caries and periodontitis is carried out with modern equipment, without the risk of damaging the dental tissues.
Periodontitis is a risk factor for cardiovascular and chronic diseases, which makes timely treatment a necessity!
Tartar is a deposit, which is formed on the surfaces of the teeth and the gingival border. According to its localization, it is divided into supragingival (supragingival) and married (subgingival). An ultrasonic piezo scaler is used for its reconstruction.
The AIR-FLOW® method uses a mixture of microspheres, air and water for preventive and restorative dental procedures. Polishing with this system is reliable and efficient, ensures patient comfort. With this method, a feeling of cleanliness is guaranteed. AIR-FLOW® does not cause injury or scratching of the enamel surface.
It is used for:

Removal of dental plaque

Cleaning around implants

Cleaning dental fissures before placing sealants

Teeth cleaning with braces
AIR-FLOW®PERIO is used in the prevention and maintenance therapy of periodontal diseases, allowing the subgingival (wedding) removal of the bacterial biofilm from the root surface of natural teeth.
Curettage is a conventional periodontal therapy. Through this method, the root surface is cleaned and smoothed
the accumulation of dental plaque and its toxic products, causing inflammation of the gums and bone.
This is conventional periodontal therapy. Through this method, the root surface is cleaned and smoothed
the accumulation of dental plaque , causing inflammation of the gums and bone.